Maczka Michal wrote on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 4:13 PM:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jörg Schaible
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 3:49 PM


>> How does this help if your project relies on OSS and
>> proprietary artifacts? How can I configure Maven to look for
>> the proprietary artifacts (SNAPSHOT or not) only in the local
>> repo?
> The simplest solution which you can use now would be to use
> exclusivly the local intranet repo which
> must be be initially seeded in some way (e.g sychronized with
> ibiblio once per day/week) This should already make in some
> case the processing much faster  as you will be never hitting
> ibiblio directly. So general idea is - you should possibly
> use single repository which is close to you and very fast.
> How this idea should be implemented it is a different story.
> Maven Proxy and such tools might be helpful. I bet it is even
> implementable in case of teams are geographically dispersed. 

We already use two differrent repositories. An internal one with all the 
internal and properietary artifacts and one covered by maven-proxy. Still for 
our internal snapshots even maven-proxy looks at ibiblio. I understand your 
proposal above, but a complete sync to ibiblio needs just too much space (and 
do not think at disk space alone; only the backups of the repository guarantee, 
that we can rebuild a specific version). With a repository property we could 
specify the internal repo for internal and proprietary artifacts.


> I forgot to add that it would be possible to make a decsion
> which repository should be hit using the value provided in
> groupId tag of the dependency.
> so if it is <groupId>foo/baa/xxx</groupId>  the repositry A
> and only A should be vistied if it is
> <groupId>bazz/aa/xxx</groupId> repositories B and C should be visited.
> It will be a question of ssing simple include/exclude regexp
> patterns per repository descriptor.

Sorry, lost track here. I am not sure what you are implying here with this 

But you're right, the internal and proprietary stuff could also be identified 
by the groupId. What about supporting two properties like:


All artifacts with a matching groupId will be looked up in the internal repo, 
while all others use the remote repo. Not quite as fexible as the repository 
property, but would solve the problem.

- Jörg

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