
I don't know if this is the right place to post this, if not, please excuse me and point me to the right mailing list/forum.

I'm planning on using Maven at work and since I don't want to depend on Ibiblio's repository and also don't like the way they have categorized the artifacts, I'll use a local machine here at my company as the remote repository.

On top of that, I realized a great feature is missing in current versions of Maven: artifacts sub-dependencies. For instance, apache/commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar depends on apache/commons-collections-3.1.jar, so if I configure commons-beanutils as a dependency in my POM, Maven could automatically include commons-collections for me.

To aid in both of those issues, I decided to start a project called MavenLibrarian (http://mavenlibrarian.dev.java.net). It aims to be a remote repository manager that also helps developers build their POMs. Features:

        - Manage groups of artifacs (create, edit, delete);
        - Upload artifact;
        - Browse the repository;
        - Edit artifact;
        - Define artifacts sub-dependencies;
        - Generate <dependencies /> tag for POM;
        - Search artifact;
        - Refactor repository (batch changes);
        - Import/export repository.

The most wanted feature for me is the POM generation. The developer would specify which libraries (s)he wants to use and MavenLibrarian would automatically include all sub-dependencies.

The first four functionalities are already done and you're welcome to get the source from the CVS to try it out.

There is a Maven POM in the "mavenlibrarian/files" folder, but it defines dependencies in terms of my local repository, so you might have to adapt it to work with Ibiblio or any other repository. It depends on WebWork, Hibernate, Spring, the Servlet API (compile-time), Commons Lang and my utility package engenho-utils-1.1, which can also be found in the "mavenlibrarian/files" folder.

One other thing: MavenLibrarian is currently configured to use a MySQL database, but that can easily be changed in hibernate.cfg.xml. A SQL script mavenlibrarian.sql is included in the "mavenlibrarian/files" folder.

As you can see, the app was designed to run here at my company, but can be changed to an open-source tool for everyone to use. I'm sending this message to see if any of you Maven developers are interested in transforming it into an Official Maven tool after I'm done with the features above. I would gladly donate it to the Apache Software Foundation (it's already developed under the Apache Software License anyways).

Also, ff any of you would like to contribute to it at this stage of development, just join the project at dev.java.net and request a role as developer. I'd be glad to have any partners on this.

        Hope this is of interest of any of you.

Best regards,

- Vítor Souza

Engenho de Software (Brazil)
http://www.javablogs.com.br/blogs/page/engenho (Portuguese only)

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