+1, with a fairly sizeable note on the web site that it needs love to be
put back.

Though in AW's case, I doubt it makes sense. There will only need to be
an AspectJ 5.0 plugin soon...

- Brett

Vincent Massol wrote:

>I haven't been updating the apsectwerkz plugin for a while (shame on me but
>I had taken an interest in AW some time back and moved on something else
>afterwards - I may find interest in it again in the future though). 
>The last time I touched it AW was at version 0.9 and it's now at version
>2.0. I don't think it works anymore as software you don't touch rot.
>What is our strategy for dealing with plugins that are not getting updated?
>Should we leave it as it is?
>Should we move it back to sandbox?
>Should we create a graveyard?
>I've tried to donate it to the AW's project but they don't want it. They are
>ok to dump it on their wiki though but I'm not sure this is good enough.
>I think the best is probably to move it somewhere (sandbox for example) so
>that it can wait till someone is interested to send patches for it and it
>would clearly signify to end users that we don't currently support it.
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