On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 13:35 +1000, Brett Porter wrote:
> Isn't that how the instructions are?
> plugin:repository-deploy,site:deploy,site:publish

No, the site only says:

Produce a clean build using maven -Dmaven.repo.list=apache scm:perform-
release. When prompted for the tag, enter the one used in the previous
step. When prompted for the goal, enter plugin:repository-
deploy,site:deploy for plugins, or jar:deploy,site:deploy for an
individual JAR. To release a Maven distribution, see below.

So, that part of the instructions is missing the site:publish stage.
Also, the part that contains the properties that must be set at
$HOME/build.properties should contains the live properties as well;
right now it only says:

maven.repo.apache.username - your apache username 
  * maven.repo.apache.privatekey - the filename of your SSH private key 
  * maven.repo.apache.passphrase - the passphrase for your private key
    ( not your Apache password) 
  * maven.announcement.mail.from - Your name and email address, as
    subscribed to the users and developers mailing lists, e.g. Brett
    Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  * maven.announcement.mail.server - The SMTP server to use for sending
    the announcement mail.

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