
I've just started converting a project (xwiki) from Ant to m2. I've added
3-4 deps to my POM and m2 is downloading transitive dependencies like

I'm wondering if transitive dependencies is ever going to work. Reasons:

1/ I have to fix lots of broken POMs that reference dependencies not found
in the repo
2/ m2 is downloading between 50 to 100 jars whereas I know my build only
needs the 3-4 deps I have added.

I understand that point 1/ should get ok once we weed out all the issues
existing in the repo and once we have tools powerful enough to refuse
invalid poms.

So far I'm finding the experience much harder than on m1. Using m1 I've
never had to add more than 10 deps in my POMs and that was all that was
downloaded. I wonder if the issues with transitive deps are not going to
overweight its advantages...

Just venting my frustration... ;-)


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