On Mon, 2005-06-27 at 08:31 +0200, Vincent Massol wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Trygve Laugstøl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: lundi 27 juin 2005 01:34
> > To: Maven Developers List
> > Subject: Re: [m2] Clvoer plugin location (was RE: [m2] Forking a custom
> > lifecycle in a report plugin?)
> [snip]
> > I would say add it in the Apache repository first so we can all work on it
> > as it might require changes in Maven 2 itself and having it in our
> > repository just makes life easier for us. When it's getting close to a 1.0
> > release (or around the 2.0 final release of Maven 2) move it to Cenqua so
> > they'll maintain it.
> I've just received an email from Cenqua saying that we should put it in the
> Apache repo for now if we accept it because their OSS area is not up to the
> par yet with Apache infrastructure (SCM, JIRA, Confluence, etc). As you say
> we can always move it to Cenqua later on as they're happy with this too.
> We'll see when the time comes.
> > Btw, it's really nice to see people having a OSS area and are willing to
> > maintain the plugins for Maven.
> I agree, that's very cool.

Vincent, we don't really have a sandbox area setup so I think everyone
would agree that you having access to:


Is just fine so you're setup there.

Sorry for the delay, just got back from JavaOne.

> Thanks
> -Vincent
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Jason van Zyl
jason at maven.org

the course of true love never did run smooth ...

 -- Shakespeare

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