Hi all,
is there any way in a m2 report plugin to generate multiple reports?

This requirement comes from the maven-taglib-plugin: I am actually
converting it to m2 and, for one of the goals, I would like to produce
multiple pages (just like in the m1 version).
The "tagreference" goal let you specify a source directory and
generates a report for each tld found in the directory.
For maven 1 it simply produces more xml files in the xdoc target
directory, named tagreference-{tldname}.xml, but I couldn't find any
way to do that using the m2 MavenReportRenderer.

which is the better solution for a similar requirement?

- stick to one page, with one section for each tld (but this is not
nice if you have two versions of the same tld and you only want to
display a single report, for example
http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/tagreference-displaytag-12.html )

- generate multiple xml files in xdoc format ignoring the report APIs
(don't know if this will really be possible, just asking). Note that,
since the report is actually nothing more than an xslt transformation,
this could make sense (the report can't be i18n, since tlds are not

- since you should not produce more than one artifact per project and
2 tlds can mean 2 artifacts don't support it, etc etc. Ok, I WANT to
support it since it's a common requirement (maybe because you are
producing a single taglib with a jsp 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 descriptor) and
it's also handled nicely in the tlddoc generated documentation, (e.g.
http://magnolia.sourceforge.net/tlddoc/index.html ).


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