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Hi Thomas,

Thomas Van de Velde wrote:
>>BTW - I like plexus. Haven't noticed the project before. I had used
>>avalon and had a look at pico+nano before. Plexus seems to be powerfull
>>like avalon containers but less invasive (like the spring-framework).
>>Maybe I'll use that in my project. Would you again decide for plexus if
>>you'd choose now?
> In what way would Spring be more invasive than Plexus? 
None. That is what I was saying:
Plexuse seems to be less invasive than avalon. And shares this ability
with spring.
> My issue with the
> Plexus container is that it is completely unknown to most developers, that 
> there are no books and hardly any documentation on the site. I assume there 
> must be good reasons for starting yet another IoC container (Can somebody 
> elaborate on those reasons?)
For me the reason was that the Avalon API is inacceptable for me because I
am bound to it. If I would later switch to spring or anything else, I would
need to rewrite a lot of my code. And the message on the avalon homepage
says a clear language. So I looked at spring and it seemed that it
solves that issue but on the other hand the bean-factory approach is a
little too low-level for me. I have to do way too much just to get
simple things done (e.g. injecting a component-specific logger) and the
configuration is xml but what you are doing is not configuration but
So besides I looked at various other solutions but havent found anything
acceptable so far. So I started my own Container.
As I pointed out in my mail: I found plexus and it looks good. There is
hardly no documentation and if you just start on the homepage of plexus
you will never even come to the point deciding to use it. Maybe I'll
drop my own container and switch to plexus - time will show.
But in may case the requirements for the container are so simple that it
might be easier to develop my own than understanding plexus :)

Anyways I started an experiment by writing some sort of API or better
specification for component "descriptoring" that could be understood by
any container-framework so components could be developed completely
container independent - for those who are interesed:

I would love to hear comments from your point of view since you have
a lot more requirements for the container. So would you say that just
some things are missing in the suggested API or would you say that the
complete approach would be inacceptable for you / for plexus / for
whatever thing and reason.

Take care

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