On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 06:49:40PM +0200, Joerg Hohwiller wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi there,
> I got a little lost in jakarta-commons since my "getting involved?"
> thread, but finally I checked out the complete m2 thing.
> You tailered your components quite small - which (usually) leads to a
> gread design. Anyways I am little frustrated setting all this up in my
> JAVA IDE (eclipse). I tried the according plugin to generate the IDE
> config but did not succeed since the toplevel POM seems to be broken.

Broken how? Not all of the modules are in the default modules collection
so you might have to go into some sub directories to be able to generate
the project files for all Maven 2 artifacts.

> Do you have any suggestions (or maybe a developers manual :) ) to make
> my start a little easier?

I added some "how to develop Maven 2" earlier today, but as the site it
not deployed yet you'll have to read it from the Subversion repository[1].
Not that that make it any harder to read, it's APT after all ;)

As this is only a small start any contributions or just plain notes you're
takin while getting into Maven 2 development would be appreciated.



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