On Wed, 24 Aug 2005, Incze Lajos wrote:

> And what if you use something like this (in resource):
> <resource>
>   ...
>   <filtering>profile-reference</filtering>
> </resource>
> where the profile id references a filter specification
> along the above line augmented with an context name,
> which can be referenced. E.g.
>   <filtering>WAS-5.1</filtering>

That's the part you want to specify USING profiles. You don't want to
specify which profile to use in the common resource section!

Btw, it's currently possible to do this using profiles: specify the
resources plugin in each profile, each having a different properties file.

Sorry if I misunderstood! :)

-- Kenney

> incze
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Kenney Westerhof
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