Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> Brett Porter wrote:
>>This be related to the compiler changes that have been going on.
>>Carsten - can you svn up with th elogging I just added and check the
>>library is passed in?
> Sure, I can't at the moment, but I'll try tonight and report back tomorrow.
> Carsten
Attached is the log containing the classpath. Now the problem is, that
we depend on xml-apis.1.3.02 - which is the official version of the
xml-apis containing DOM level 3 classes.
As you can see from the log, xml-apis-2.0.2 is used instead. I guess
this comes from the transitive dependencies from some other project.
Unfortunately 2.0.2 is a faulty number and it is higer than 1.3.02, so
2.0.2 is preferred over 1.3.02.
So, is there any way to turn of transitive dependencies and is there any
way to tell that 1.3.02 should always be used?


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

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