Firstly, I agree that a release should be made ASAP given this.

Henning P. Schmiedehausen wrote:

>The problem has been identified and is fixed on the trunk since June
>21st. This is a showstopper bug for everyone wanting to built sites on
>non-Windows platforms and it would have (IMHO) warranted an immediate
>release of 1.9.2 over 1.9.1 with just this bug fixed.
It was pushed out as a SNAPSHOT for testing and probably not followed
up. Stuff slips through the cracks. It happens.

However, a polite request in June would be more helpful than this
message which I find rather abrasive.

>However, nothing has happened since for more than two months. The only
>advice ( was
>"use the current trunk snapshot". Now guess what:
You're missing -Dmaven.repo.remote=

>Great advice. Not.
This is not helpful. I'm all for constructive criticism and getting
called on mistakes made. But this along with others just sets a negative
tone for the email.

>This is a plea for an immediate release of maven-xdoc-plugin
>1.9.2. I'd ask the developers (mainly Arnaud since he is listed as
>project lead) to start a voting cycle to release this plugin. The
>current state is more than hurting for building maven sites.
In the mean time:
maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-xdoc-plugin

If you had no specific reason to upgrade in the first place, this is
obviously the more sensible approach. But we'll get the release together
as soon as possible.

- Brett

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