Carlos Sanchez wrote:

>I have some concerns regarding the repo, and would like to hear your feedback.
>- the sync codehaus->ibiblio is not done with the delete option, so
>when a file gets deleted in codehaus I have to remove it manually also
>from ibiblio. I don't know if enabling this can cause other problems.
It is for maven2. You'd first need to see what is on ibiblio that is not
on codehaus. Some of that might need to be removed from ibiblio, some
brought back to codehaus. Then it can be enabled for maven.

Note that the incoming syncs don't have --delete either though, which is
something we eventually need to have happen.

>- repoclean doesn't transform the m1 poms if the jar files don't
>change, so if a partner fixes a pom we'll never see it in the m2 repo.
>If I fix it I have to manually change in m2 repo.
Yes, I know this needs to be fixed.

>- I'd like to close issues in MEV about "this pom has no info" as
>incomplete when they don't provide a solution, and update JIRA to show
>that policy when entering an issue. We already know that there a lot
>of poms with no info, having a bunch of issues about that won't
>improve the situation.
We may need to provide that information to make the transitive
dependencies better. Shouldn't we ask them to provide what they think it
should be?

>- the m2 repo has more info, so I'd be better to create the m1 repo
>from the m2 one instead. 
we still need to take the synced content and put it into both. It could
come to a staging area and repoclean could convert that over to m2
instead, then rsync that directory to the m1 repo.

>Another option is forget about updating poms
>in the m1 repo as they're not needed at all and allow people to make
>upload bundles with a v4.0.0 pom.
This is definitely a better solution. So can the script feed the JAR
into both, and the POM into the m2 repo?

We'll need to create a similar goal to create-upload-bundle for m2 and
not allow the use of the m1 version any more.

All good ideas, just bits of work to do first. Would you like to take
command of getting the tasks in JIRA and calling for volunteers?


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