the page is intended to be in spanish or it should be in english? If it should 
be in spanish i can fix some typos.

On Tuesday 11 October 2005 13:12, Apache Wiki wrote:
> Dear Wiki user,
> You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Maven Wiki" for
> change notification.
> The following page has been changed by JeanMichelGarnier:
> New page:
> La pesadilla del classpath de Java ...
> Por defecto, eclipse añade los jars del
> target/{pom.artefactId}/WEB-INF/lib an el build path ...
> === SNAPSHOT ===
> Sin snapshot:
> Hay un articulo en la web de Eclipse sobre la integration de WST con maven:
>  Debug
> Fragmento de
> Artifact Sources:
> Frequently you will want to include for compiled jars the source .java
> files to help with debugging. The plugin will check if the file specified
> is located in MAVEN_REPO/${groupId}/src/ directory and ending in
> maven.eclipse.src.extension exists and will add it as a source attachment.
> Using default values the dependency
> MAVEN_REPO/eclipse/jars/eclipse-ui-3.0.0.jar will be mapped to
> MAVEN_REPO/eclipse/src/
> Podríamos subir los zips de codigo fuente en nuestro
> Para los servicios de openFrame, podríamos la propiedad
> y añadir una propriedad Eclipse a cada dependency
> <dependency>
>     <groupId>group</groupId>
>     <artifactId>artifact</artifactId>
>     <version>version</version>
>     <properties>
>       <eclipse.dependency>true</eclipse.dependency>
>     </properties>
>   </dependency>
> --> generar .wtpmodules
> **********************************
> Supongo q habías "hacked" el classpath.jelly del maven eclipse plugin para
> tu fichero /openFrame-samples-Petstore/templates/classpath.jelly. Para mi,
> Jelly no un language, es otro frankensteinXML ;-) pero entiendo bastante
> para genera el .wtpmodules
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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