On 10/24/05, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jerome lacoste wrote:
> > [Hoping that cross posting on both lists is not an issue]
> Would rather not. Everyone on mojo-dev should be on maven-dev, I think.
> > First congrats to all of you for yesterday's release.
> Thanks! Sorry for the delayed response.

hangover recovery I would guess :)

> > If I use the webstart plugin in a project, I am assuming that the
> > install operation will only install the jnlp file, and not the full
> > working directory, right?
> That's what would be expected, the main product of the build is the jnlp
> file, and nothing else?

Now it's a zip file. I've modified it to allow zipping the full
contents of the directory that contains the produced artifacts.

> This still seems a little problematic to me - I'd like to understand it
> more. I don't quite get that from the wiki page.

thanks for your answer. I changed my design to make the webstart
plugin produce and install a zip file which I need to merge into the
war file. I raised another thread for that (related to MNG-1274) to
which you already answered.

> Incidentally, the License for JNLPServlet has that nuclear facility
> clause. I'm not sure that package is entirely licensed as BSD and would
> require further investigation before inclusion.

The Mustang JNLP is the one I am talking about. Not the SDK 5.0.
Are we looking at the same one?

> grep -i nuclear /tmp/jdk6.0-b56/deploy/src/javaws/share/sample/servlet/

> Should this be phased to do what the m1 plugin does, then include the
> servlet stuff later on?

Now it's the responsibility of the user to include the jnlp servlet.

Thanks for your answers


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