> (Yes, that's a empty list)
> I think it would be best if you listed the plugins that 
> actually needed a maintainer, and prioritized those with a 
> currently missing maintainer.

Almost all ?
Yes this is an empty list, because I can't say who want to keep or not their 
In fact I know that the majority of current release managers in m1 want to give 
their role with these exceptions :
- Vincent M wants to keep the clover plugin
- Carlos can take the lead for checkstyle plugin
- I can continue to keep my current plugins but if someone else want to take 
them, it won't be a problem for me.

I think it could be a good think if we have the same release manager for a m1 
and a m2 plugin but it won't be always possible.

> Also, I think that everyone should be able to say that 
> they're interested in working on a plugin, would make it more 
> likely for a committer to work as a patch applier and release manager.

When we say that we are a release manager for a plugin, we aren't forced to 
work only on this plugin. I'm currently trying to fix
issues on almost all plugins even if I'm not the release manager for them. The 
release manager isn't a guy who'll apply patch and
release the plugin. It's above all the one who manage the consustency of the 
plugin. He keep an eye on modifications that others do.

Thus, subscribe yourself where you are interested. 
We'll see if there are some incompatibilities and which plugins don't have 
release managers (The last time it was Brett who take the
lead for these last ones).


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