
3 questions:

1) what maven commando's can I try to test my implementation?

2) About the checkout command: In ClearCase, you are looking at read-only files and you "check out" 1 file to edit that file. After that you check your file in. This is not the same for SVN for instance, where checkout means, get me all the files of a certain project. Am I correct? How should I then implement checkout. What is it used for in Maven/Continuum?

3) What are the *Consumer classes for in the ClearCase implementation? Looking at the SVN implementation, they don't have that there. Also the current ones are copy/paste. We can probably use the same class everywhere instead?



2005/11/12, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
tag nale is a string defined by user. Each user can user its own naming convention.


Wim Deblauwe a écrit :
> One other question on tags ( labels ). How is the tag name formed? We
> have a naming convention at work here on how labels should be named.
> regards,
> Wim
> 2005/11/12, Wim Deblauwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >>:
>         ok.
>         What is the difference on cleartool usage for all clearcase
>         connection type?
>     Don't have a clue, I only know what we use, I'm not really a
>     ClearCase guru :)
>     regards,
>     Wim

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