Hi all,

I'm working on a maven 2 plugin to compile IDL files. Alan Cabrera created an initial plugin, and I am adding some additional features.

I have a couple of questions I'd like to have some help with.

I need to be specify various parameters to pass to the compiler backend. For each idl file to compile, the following needs to be specified:

- Whether the compiler should emit stubs,  skeletons or both
- A list of package prefixes
- A list of symbol definitions for preprocessing of the IDL files

Obviously, these configurations would be the same for many .idl files, so the .idl files should be grouped together.

I suppose an XML configuration of the plugin could look something like this:


I think it would provide the neccessary flexibility. Does this configuration layout look OK to you guys?

I understand that the right way to scan for files to include for compilation is to use a org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.util.scan.StaleSourceScanner. This class uses a SourceMapping to specify which sources to include. There does not seem to be a mapping that can filter sources based some include and exclude patterns, however. Is anyone working on such a SourceMapping, or should I make up my own?

Best regards,

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