Hi John,

Having discussed this, I agree. So site will remain as a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and the respective reports can do this later.

- Brett

John Allen wrote:
> Re discussion regarding site aggregation
> See: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVEN/Sites+and+Inheritence for
> previous notes.
> Hi Brett,
> Re your last comments:
> 'The copy is done from the top level so it can run as an aggregator and the
> subprojects can be viewed as a single site and deployed as one. However, I
> see that if any of the subprojects have a different URL this won't work, so
> it may need to be reconsidered.'
> Although I see the need for a parent project site generation to access and
> parse its child projects files to build various composite and aggregate
> reports (such as javadoc or the various code analysis tools) I do not see
> why this would require copies of the child project's site files themselves.
> In fact thinking about it I would expect the composite report generation to
> use the 'raw' data files and not the HTML report prepared versions of those
> files (i.e. process the surefire XML output or the checkstyle XML output).
> In terms of deployment I do not think we should be breaking the project
> independence by trying to deploy child sites via the parent site for the
> various reasons I have already described: namely that a child's site
> deployment details are not related to the deployment details of its parent,
> and therefore all child and parent HTML HREF linking must be via
> project.URLs and not filesystem relative locations.
> I am not sure of the real meaning of an @aggregator Mojo (despite hunting
> for details on maven.apache.org) so maybe I'm missing some magic here but
> the way I see it is that all a child's generated artefacts, including its
> site files, are independent of its parent's generated assets in terms of
> their addressing and deployment semantics. The child relationship is only
> one of build order and POM inheritance, not artefact dependency. 
> I will raise a JIRA regarding the fact that project.getParent() returns an
> un-interpolated project.
> Cheers,
> John
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