
I posted this as a comment on:

but figured I'd air it out here as well to see if it's
sounds reasonable.

I've been reading through all the maven 2
documentation to understand how I can:
Use Case A) Define a new archetype and give it its own
Use Case B) Redefine the lifecycle of a current

Before I started I tried to think of the simplest way
to do this, so I had a reference point for how it is
currently being done.

Here's an example of what I think would be the
simplest way to do use case A:

    * Define the archetype just as specified in the
guide to creating archetypes

    * Then add to the pom something like this:
   <Sequence id="1">
      <goal name="p1:g1">
      <goal name="p2:g1">
      <goal name="p3:g1">
      <goal name="p4:g1">
      <Sequence id="2">
      <goal name="p1:g1">
      <goal name="p4:g1">
      <goal name="p3:g1">
      <goal name="p5:g1">

This would let maven know how to process the files
given by an archetype instance.

In this case the sequences are mutually exclusive. So
they can be performed in paralell if need be. The
order in which the plugin goals are executed is the
order in which they are given.

Now if I needed to do Use Case B I would just put
something like this in the POM
for that archetype instance:
<goal name="px:g1" sequence="1" depends="p2:g1">

This lets maven know that it needs to perform goal g1
of plugin px after goal g1 of plugin p2 of sequence 1.

Now since Maven executes phases in the lifecycle,
lifecycle metadata could be bound to each <goal>
element within each sequence, and
the user could just do
mvn sequence1:deploy ...

Obviously the sequence would need to be specified if
there are multiple sequences.

Any thoughts?


- Ole

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