Brett, I agree with most of what you said in this mail and in your
POM-Problems email. I just have this comment:
>From the POM-problems email:
"3) Separating inheritance of versioned and transient info

A: Deprecate dependency inheritance (bare with me :)

The problem of separation only seems to appear in generic pom
inheritance, and then it is only the dependencies used that are of

For starters, in that case, we can just say its is best practice not to
inherit the dependency, then the parent becomes completely project/build
info which we are happy to have the auto versioning for.

But that raises the question - is dependency inheritance worthwhile at
all any more?"

I think the dependency or dependencyManagement inheritance is all about
not having to duplicate versions etc all over the place. I have it setup
so that I can control the versions from as few places as possible and
thus most of my parents at least have the management sections. If this
is removed, then I think it will be a nightmare for example to update
from foo x-x to foo x-z. Now obviously this would happen with the auto
version resolution if I set it in the final product  (ie war). However,
in this case, if I want my standalone builds or unit tests to be
accurately using the intended version, then I need to update all my
projects to have the correct version. This actually negates many
benefits of the transitive dependency resolution you mentioned. I agree
that the current method doesn't feel right, but this is currently the
only way to control this that I can see.

The other important part is the pluginManagement. In a corp environment,
it's important to know all developers are using vetted versions of the
plugins. Using a highlevel parent with pluginManagement allows me to
verify new plugins & make nessessary infrastructure changes before
rolling it out. It means that this needs to be versioned because a new
plugin rev might imply some other changes in the build or code. It's
also nice that devs don't have to remember to use the -U command all the

-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 1:24 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Parent vs dependency aggregation, including sites and reports

Hi folks,

This is pretty important to start punting around as I need to lock in a
best practice that works on Maven 2.0 and can be used in the site
plug-in release. Please give this a review as soon as possible.

I am battling the age old question where we have parent as inheritance
and parent as a build aggregator. I'm still inclined to think that we
should separate the functional from the informational (feedback on
still welcome!), we're stuck with the current situation for right now.

Recently, we've been talking about making the parents produce aggregated
content - assemblies, ears, aggregated site reports. This results in a
src/ directory under the root that sits with the parent. I'd alluded to
this in
which I'll revise based on any decision here.

Chatting with Jason, we've agreed it doesn't quite feel right, though
for my part I'm not convinced it's a bad thing yet but rather just
something I'm not used to. The main downside I see remains the inability
to do anything with it in Eclipse :)

The alternative is to make everything a module of the parent, using
dependencies to represent the things to aggregate. This removes the need
to make <modules> act like dependencies and keeps the parent clean as an
inheritance and build entry point. All the outputs of the build end up
in a module.

Practical example:


The new stuff here:
- maven-user-guide is a site that contains documentation for Maven. It
would have a lot of the stuff from the site now under /guides/, but is
here to be versioned and distributed. It would be of type assembly and
produce an zip of the docs for individual download.

- maven-dist is of <packaging>assembly</packaging> and contains the
assembly descriptors and binary files currently in maven-core. It would
depend on maven-user-guide and bundle that in some binary distributions
that include documentation (I generally prefer a separate bundle as
above, but its an option as I'm thinking general practices here)

- maven-reference-guide is a site that is deployed to include
documentation for Maven developers. It depends on all the modules and
while it doesn't produce a distribution, it provides the site that links
in all the other modules and would produce any aggregate reports. The
site plug-in would have to be able to include dependencies in a menu
instead of modules, which might be a hassle as we are now reproducing a
lot of information. This is the one I'm least comfortable about. Note
that some of this content might be included in a user-guide (eg
aggregated javadoc), so it needs to work there too.

Any thoughts? It's obvious at this point the site inheritance needs a
bit of rethought - most likely the site descriptor will need to have its
own <parent> element for finding the parent site descriptor.


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