To be clear:
You never have two artifacts in the classpath with same
groupId:artifactId, maven uses the "nearer" version always, which is
the one closest to your project in the transitive dependency graph,
not the most recent version.

On 2/28/06, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ralph Goers wrote:
> > Steve,
> >
> > What you are proposing is to basically bypass maven and "hack" the pom's
> > dynamically with the versions required.  It seems to me it would be
> > easier to have a process to do that in one's local repository. Then you
> > only have to do it once.  But then you don't have a real copy of what is
> > at ibiblio.
> No. I have a properties file that lays down the dependencies for
> everything in my project, like log4j, across
> about 20 different sub projects.
> These have template pom files that hard code what they depend on, but
> the actual version of what they depend on is driven by my
> files. At build time, the templates are filled in
> to actual pom files, files that declare what they were compiled against.
> These are the pom files that are redistributed.
> >
> > If this is truly the way it works than it certainly can't be claimed
> > that Maven supports transitive dependencies as they will almost always
> > have to be bypassed. For example, if project A includes myfaces 1.1.1 it
> > has dependencies on beanutils 1.7.0 and digester 1.7.0.  What is
> > interesting is that digester 1.7.0 specifies a dependency of beanutils
> > 1.6.0.  Now presumably, myfaces specification will override digesters.
> > But now, what if project A also specifies digester 1.7.0 as a
> > dependency?  You will end up with both beanutils 1.6.0 and beanutils
> > 1.7.0 in your build target, which is completely unacceptable.  The
> > solution is for us to scour the pom's we are using and then look at
> > their dependencies, etc.?  I don't thnik so.  Instead, everyone will be
> > forced to declare all their dependencies in the parent pom.
> Well, I only really declare dependencies on things I care about, and let
> the rest sort it out for themselves. If I cared about everything, then
> yes, it would require things at the top to declare their versions.
> This example is slightly wrong though: you should end up with
> beanutils1.7.0 on the path, but not 1.6.0. M2 doesnt give you two
> versions of the same (Group,artifact), it gives you whichever is of the
> highest version and hopes they are backwards compatible. Do a build in
> -verbose to see what is going on. Certainly in my builds I see traces like
> [m2-libraries] Resolving dependencies...
>   unspecified:unspecified:jar:0.0 (selected)
>      xerces:xmlParserAPIs:jar:2.6.2 (selected)
>     xom:xom:jar:1.1 (selected)
>        xom:xom:jar:1.0b3 (removed - causes a cycle in the graph)
>        jaxen:jaxen:jar:1.1-beta-8 (selected)
>          jaxen:jaxen:jar:1.0-FCS (removed - causes a cycle in the graph)
>          jdom:jdom:jar:1.0 (selected)
>            xalan:xalan:jar:2.5.0 (selected)
>        xerces:xmlParserAPIs:jar:2.6.2 (removed - nearer found: 2.6.2)
>        xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.6.2 (selected)
>        xalan:xalan:jar:2.7.0 (selected)
> Actually, looking that this I see that two copies of xalan appear to be
> selected. not good. I will need to look at this more closely.
> > I will admit that at the moment few folks are going to run into this
> > problem because 1) most maven users are still on maven 1 and 2) most
> > poms at ibiblio don't specify dependencies (I would imagine this is
> > incorrect).  But it only took me 5 minutes of searching to come up with
> > the problem above.
> Its part of a broader problem of versioning, which, IMO, is one of the
> big hard problems of computer science (nothing gets it right; at least
> in java its easier to link against later builds)
> The issue here is: who declares what you run against, and how
> Maven1 and ant say "work it out for yourself"
> Maven2 says "libraries pull in what they were built against, unless you
> say otherwise"
> Now, I have mixed feelings about how well it works --the primary problem
> I have is not version conflict but unwanted dependencies; you ask for
> one thing and before you know it you have three XML parsers and a copy
> of junit3.7 on your classpath. You are left with pom overrides that
> declare what you don't want.
> But is this actually worse than what went before? Different, yes, but
> worse, I'd argue not.
> In smartfrog ( we have components that will pull
> stuff into the repository. But I completely skipped the transient stuff,
> partly because it was complex, and partly because I felt that at
> deployment time you should be explicit, and all your dependencies can
> live under SCM. Also, for security, you get to declare the sha1 or md5
> checksum, though there is a problem there once you start signing JAR
> files (it changes the checksum, see)
> The result is you do have to list what you want, but you can use the
> inheritance model of .sf descriptors to stop retyping things. This, for
> example, is the descriptor to run axis tcpmonitor.
> sfConfig extends Compound {
>      library extends Maven2Library {
>      }
>      commons-logging extends JarArtifact {
>          library LAZY PARENT:library;
>          project "commons-logging";
>          version "1.0.4";
>          sha1 "f029a2aefe2b3e1517573c580f948caac31b1056";
>      }
>      axis extends JarArtifact {
>          library LAZY PARENT:library;
>          project "axis";
>          artifact "axis";
>          version "1.1";
>          sha1 "edd84c96eac48d4167bca4f45e7d36dcf36cf871";
>      }
>      tcpmonitor extends Java {
>          classname "org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon";
>          classpath [
>              LAZY axis:absolutePath,
>              LAZY commons-logging:absolutePath];
>      }
> }
> -Steve
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