
Thanks for the feedback.  My responses are now inline:

On Mar 3, 2006, at 7:57 AM, John Casey wrote:

Comments inline.



Garrett Conaty wrote:
I've been working quite a bit with Maven2 transitive dependencies at work, and think that they're one of the best strengths of M2. In the course of building quite a number of artifacts through build, deployment, and update I've found that there are number of improvements that can be made. So with the use cases that I've seen at work and listening to what other devs in the community have experienced, I'm proposing some enhancements. These points are only an overview, and some are a variation or enhancement on features in the Maven 2.1 design docs. I've gone into more depth on the rationale and the features themselves on the MavenUser Wiki at Improving+Maven2+Dependency+Resolution :
* Virtual Dependencies (also know as spec jars)

This is something we've been discussing for some time now. We just need to have a concrete discussion about what's involved in implementing it. For instance, we have to provide a portable way to resolve spec -> implementation mappings. This might take a form similar to the plugin-prefix -> implementation metadata file. Once we have that in place, we need some consistent mechanism for choosing one implementation over another. The corresponding mechanisms for plugin selection based on prefix are somewhat crude...

How about putting a new <virtual> in the <dependency> stanzas of the POM? Of course, it would still need someway to resolve this map (perhaps by putting them in profiles or something).

* Environmental Context - Use the JDK environment and deploy environment as part of the resolution phase. As an example, you don't need to get JAXP API classes from a repository if compiling with JDK 1.4

If you can represent pieces like the JDK as a repository with an alternate layout, I don't see why we couldn't tie this into the spec dependencies bit above and make it work.

Yeah, I definitely see these being very related. So you could define a JDK 1.4 environment or Geronimo 1.0 environment (profile?) that would be contain the list of the spec JARS. This would be really helpful for building some of the Apache Commons packages that require different JARs (currently) depending on what JDK they're using. I'd love it if the build files for these would be able to list all the spec JARs that they require and then when you build, Maven could have the knowledge of your environment. Though I'm not sure they'd actually be POMs themselves (like for JDK 1.4) that would list artifacts. It might be viewed something more like how Eclipse shows you library entries for JDK or app servers (like Tomcat in the Eclipse WebToolsProject)

* Pinning Dependencies (Overrides) - If you have a fixed dependency tree for a given release, it's important to be able to provided patches that can override a node of the tree. <dependencyManagement> only appears to handle this for parent- child projects.

I suspect an elegant way to handle this might be with an alternative dependency selection implementation that uses some authoritative set of "approved" versions when resolving artifacts...

That makes some sense from an 'approved' perspective, though the use case I'm describing is actually a specific patch (e.g. you've built your application with a certain release of dependencies, and then your vendor tells you you need to slot in this security fix). This is slightly different than having a compliant or standard set of dependencies.

Questions I have WRT this are:

1. will this set of blessed versions be portable (i.e. travel with the POM)?

The simplest scoping would be to have it be an element of your application's POM. I could also see it in /.m2/ specific settings for a build machine, though this would be less portable. A fancy solution might be to point to a central server and download updates, but this is probably overkill.

2. how will developers in a team setting share this info? It seems like implementing this would be an exercise in walking a tightrope between portability and centralized declaration for versions.
(see previous answer)

* Filtering Parameters - Let the dependency resolution be able to pick artifacts based on things like required JDK version, license, signed/unsigned, tags,etc.

Is this a dependency selection technique? It seems like it's just a matter of "approving" a given dependency as a candidate for selection using POM attributes and possibly attributes of the jar itself (which could be a bit more involved), before allowing artifact version selection to proceed. Much of this could probably be factored out of the DefaultArtifactCollector, into some sort of pluggable component.

Exactly, I think these filters are additional parameters to the ArtifactCollector. So just like version ranges let you select which artifact to map to a dependency, these would be additional critiera. Some of my colleagues have been working on some matching algorithms for the collector to let you match the artifacts based on different filtering parameters. Some of these filters can be required (e.g. JDK > 5 is required because the library uses annotations) or soft (prefer debug versions of the JAR).

A lot of this kind of info should be present in the JAR, though that might mean you have to download them as part of the dependency resolution/"ArtifactCollector" phase, rather than the current artifact resolution phase, whereas if they're in the artifactmetadata, this already gets downloaded.

* Blacklisting artifacts - Not just repositories. This is appropriate if you don't control the POM that's using the artifact to be blacklisted. you're talking about a global exclusions list? Again, my questions about this center on dissemination of that list. Otherwise, can't you do this with dependency exclusions now?

I'd actually use the same scoping mechanism as per virtual dependencies/specJARs. Unfortunately I don't think you can do this with exclusions now, but I could be wrong. Let's say A depends on B depends on C and B specifies a range. If B is not under my control then could I still eliminate the version of C that would match B's range in the pom for A? (I think I might have just figured that this would actually work). If A puts in its own dependency for C as a !C (bad version) then I think this would work and is an effective blacklist.

* License Acknowledgment - Some commercial vendors (Sun) require a clickthrough license before downloading. Also a user getting an artifact under an Apache license with an LGPL dependency would need to be notified that they are not only accepting the Apache License but LGPL.

This might be another thing that gets added to the dependency selection process, when we're gathering candidate artifact/ versions. If you combine it with spec dependencies, the selection algorithm might be able to select an alternate [set of] deps to satisfy the spec dependency you specify (when the user refuses to traverse the click-through)...

Yep, though I'd like to see the APIs on the resolver to expose the set of artifacts that could satisfy a dependency, and which would be selected by default. This way a resolver client could present the info to the user (like through an IDE tool).

Also, any click-through implementation will have to completely satisfy the legal requirements of people like Sun, which could mean finding a way to embed/interact with a full-featured browser. I don't know of any cross-platform way to do this, without embedding a browser...and I'm not aware of any mature embeddable browser implementations, personally.

I was thinking it would be up to the client (e.g. maven-client) to provide the implementation of the plug-ins for this. The resolver would just specify a request/response interface and then the clients would need to write their own adapters.

* Expose dependency resolution to client tools - Provide APIs so that clients can pass in different artifacts with different filters to see not only the multiple artifacts and paths that can resolve a dependency, but also which one would be selected. This would be very helpful for debugging and also to let UI tools visualize the dependency graphs.

We can undoubtedly go further in making this accessible, but it should be possible to do what you describe even now. It's just a matter of knowing the APIs...

My understanding of the APIs now are that you can get an ArtifactResolutionResult for ArtifactResolver.resolveTransitively (...) and then the work is done in the ArtifactCollector. The thing is, these methods return a path for the dependency that's already resolved. Yes, you might be able to plug-in listeners that get called at various stages and then build up your own graph of what's going on, but I'd like a public API that returns the dependency graph for a given artifact that includes all the nodes that 'could' match vs just the ones that were picked. I could be missing something here in the APIs, but I'm pretty sure that this functionality isn't possible or is unwieldly to do with the current interfaces.

I don't think these features have easy workarounds in Maven 2.0.x, but if there are, that would be great. I've peer reviewed these with the folks at work as well and I'm interested in feedback from the community on these improvements as I'd like to get started working on them.
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