It runs fine for me on linux, cygwin and WinXP.

Can you give me the junit log?


-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 6. mars 2006 11:39
Subject: Re: Tests of 1.0

Torbjørn Smørgrav wrote:
>> Currently, the Bazaar provider tests fail for me under Windows (I have
>> Bazaar installed in Cygwin).
> What version of bazaar do you use?
> (Version 0.7 is the current stable, pre 0.7 is failing on *nix like

$ bzr --version
bzr (bazaar-ng) 0.7
Copyright 2005,06 Canonical Development Ltd.

>> I'd actually like to have the tests not require svn, cvs, bzr installed
>> to pass, and move those tests to integration tests in some way. WDYT?
> I agree. But it's a dangerous decision. It will end up in broken baselines
> (providers) more often.
> We should encourage developers eg. myself to test with every provider.
> What about a configuration option?

That's exactly what I meant - make it an integration test (perhaps in a
profile) so that the builds only run unit tests (which should still do
most of the testing, and just compare command lines rather than execute
them). The integration tests can be run in an integration environment
where the VCSs are installed (obviously, some will be limited to
particular ones).

This isn't required before 1.0, but the tests need to pass before 1.0.

- Brett

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