On Mo, März 6, 2006 15:41, Brett Porter wrote:
> Christian Schulte wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am forwarding this to the dev mailing list since I got no answer on
>> the
>> users list.
> Generally better to just send a gentle reminder in reply on the users
> list.
>> Any ideas or workarounds highly appreciated.
> No idea off the top of my head, but it sounds familiar. Have you
> searched the archive for something similar?
> - Brett

I just noticed that I need to change the path separator used in the
property file for the classpath by surefire-booter to get the fork-mode
working on windows. See the attached patch. After applying this patch
fork-mode starts working also on windows. Just wanted to let you know. The
UnsupportdEncodingException problem still is not solved - also tried with
various forkMode and childDelegation settings now.


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