If you extend the maven-scm-providers pom like other providers, it will be more easy to start with dependencies.


Torbjorn Smorgrav a écrit :
Hi Henrik!

I posted this yesterday as well. But I haven't got any response yet. So I'll ask again.
I want to implement support for CM Synergy.

I'll be happy to help you. I recently added the Bazaar provider (yet to be released) so I can at least guide you through the same path that I took.
What baseline should I use?

Use the current development baseline.

What do I need to check out?

Start with:



And a reference provider eg. maven-scm-provider-bazaar/
Perhapes choose one that is most similar to the CM Synergy

What class or interfaced do I need to implement?

What I did was change the implementation of an existing provider.
That way I got fast results and I learned the API one step at the time.

Basically what you need to implements is an (Abstract)ScmProvider and its 

How can I test my provider?

1. Run unit tests from your IDE
The test classes in maven-scm-test was really helpfull to me. Try to include a 
tck test

as soon as possible. See how the tck tests are implemented in the reference 
provider (its a no brainer :).

It can be a bit tricky to setup your IDE to pickup your current modifications and not the installed
version of the provider. Let me know it this becomes a problem.

2. Build and install the provider and test it with eg. "mvn scm:checkout" on a 
project where
you have defined a scm url in the pom.xml.

This was probably a too short answer. But if you post your questions as they 
I'll do my best to help you. And in the end I like to make a mave-scm howto 
with all of this.

Good luck,

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