On Mon, 27 Mar 2006, Arnaud HERITIER wrote:

> Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 07:55:14 +0200
> To: Henk Penning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>      Maven Developers List <dev@maven.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: [aheritier]
>     java-repository/maven/plugins/maven-pmd-plugin-1.8.jar
> Hi Henk,
>   Sorry about that.
>   I didn't know (and I'm not sure I'm the only one in our team) we needed to
> do it from now. I'll fix it ASAP.


  thanks for the quick response ; as you can see in the list


  there 63 release managers with unsigned stuff ; almost all
  the unsigned stuff (1101 of 1233) is in 'java-repository'.

  Release managers should remove old versions of software
  (obsoleted by newer versions), and sign the rest.

  Please note that

  -- everything in 'dist/java-repository' is copied to hundreds
     of official apache mirrors and countless unofficial mirrors.
     Keeping the repository 'clean' saves us bandwidth, is easier
     for our mirrors, and is less confusing for downloaders.

  -- everything in 'dist/java-repository' is automatically archived in


  -- you can point downloaders to the archive with a file


     containing urls to the 'old stuff'.

> Arnaud


  Henk Penning -- apache.org infrastructure

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Henk P. Penning, Computer Systems Group       R Uithof CGN-A232  _/ \_
Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University  T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Padualaan 14, 3584CH Utrecht, the Netherlands F +31 30 251 3791 \_/ \_/
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