On Tue, 28 Mar 2006, Mike Perham wrote:


some thoughts on this:

> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-1832
> It seems like one way to support this would be:
> <configuration>
>      <archive>
>          <manifestEntries>
>               <Build-Time>${now}</Build-Time>
>          </manifestEntries>
>      </archive>
> </configuration>
> But we would need to add support for this variable in the POM
> interpolation code and it's not clear how to format the Date.  Any other
> suggestions?

The archiver itself can add this field in the manifest, no need for
expressions then.

Perhaps re-use the timestamp used on snapshot naming?

The ${now} is rather unprecise; builds can take minutes, what time is
used? Perhaps the 'ctime' of the main artifact?

Btw, it looks like this is some abuse of a versioning scheme. If
non-snapshot versions are used, the version is clear. If snapshots are
used, also clear versions (1.0-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) are used. I think those
are accessible from pom.properties?

The 'Implementation-Version' manifest entry currently reports the
-SNAPSHOT version; a filled-out SNAPSHOT version could be added
to that too, but I think it's calculated on the moment of deployment.
We would need to define a clear moment when that is calculated, so
on deployment, the filename contains the same version tag as the
manifest entry.

 -- Kenney

> mike
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Kenney Westerhof
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