Actually, the navbar is in there already...

I tried to discuss the question of what an xdoc is once on the maven dev list [1] but didn't get too much feedback. I then adopted the definition of an xdoc as something that is transformed into a valid xhtml1-transitional by the xdoc plugin. This of course links it intimately to maven and the xdoc plugin (which is also reflected in the current versioning scheme - the dtd in svn is called maven-xdoc-1.10.dtd and I assumed that we would publish a new version with every xdoc plugin). I never thought of '... getting XDOC out of the maven/velocity realm and making an "official" format'.

As for now, the only difference between an xdoc and an xhtml1-transitional is the addition of the elements <section>, <subsection>, <escapeXml>, <source> and <navbar>.

Any comments welcome.



Henning Schmiedehausen wrote:

getting XDOC out of the maven/velocity realm and making an  "official"
format would IMHO help its visibility tremendously. That's why I
proposed to adopt it as
-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD XDOC 1.0//EN"

and removed all the maven and velocity references from it. Having it
online is good, having it at with an official
location and version number (1.0) is IMHO much better.

It would also avoid "sneaking stuff in". ;-) (navbar...)

        Best regards

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