Hi Brett, Jason and others,

I'm trying to set up MRM at work and I'd like a little help, as there
is no documentation about it yet.

Right now, I was able to modify plexus.xml, generate and deploy the
war, and create some directories on /tmp/MRM (which is the path I've
chosen on plexus.xml). Now, the issues

1. When I tried to search for an artefact, I got one exception
regaring the /tmp/MRM/index/directory. I solved it by copying the
directory target/index to /tmp/MRM, but I'm not sure if that's the
right option.
2.Now the search works, but it doesn't find anything; I've tried to
copy my $HOME/.m2 to /tmp/MRM, but it didn't work neither
3.Finally, I realized there is a proxy-cache directory on target as
well - should I do something about it?

I know the project is still on early stages of development so it's
lacking documentation, but if you could provide at least a quick-start
guide, I could try to use it (and eventually help fixing the issues

-- Felipe

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