On Mon, 22 May 2006, Detlef Pleiss wrote:


Why don't you just specify that dependency in the plugin's
pom? Or let the users specify it in a <dependencies> section in the
<plugin> section in their pom?

There is a way to do this however, but it's strongly discouraged because
it should be Maven's job to handle dependencies and configuring the
runtime environment. That said: take a look at the maven-eclipse-plugin's
usage of the ArtifactManager..


It can download artifacts and give you the filename.

-- Kenney

> Hi,
> as the plugin developer list over at codehaus seems to be down, I hope to
> get an answer here:
> I want to get the full absolute path to some artifact in the local
> repository. So what I want is:
> input: groupId, artifactId, version
> output: absolute path to that artifact in local repository
> For reasons not to be explained here, the plugin can not have
> @requiresDependencyResolution set and can not have the wanted artifact in
> its dependencies in the POM.
> Does the Maven API offer such a function for use inside of a plugin?
> What I currently do and what works is having a parameter with
>      * @parameter
> expression="${settings.localRepository}/<groupId>/<artifactId>/<version>/<ar
> tifactId>-<version>.jar"
> (fill in <groupId>, <artifactId>, <version> with the appropriate values)
> It works, but does not look like a clean way to me as it involves knowledge
> about the inner structure of the local repository, which might be subject to
> change.
> A surplus would be to have a way to get this artifact downloaded if it's not
> present - but remember, without having to add it to the POM.
> thanks in advance!
> greetings,
> Mit freundlichen Gr��en
> i.A. Detlef Plei�
> ________________________________________________________________
> Mit einem Klick alles im Blick, dank Informatik
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> ________________________________________________________________
> Datenverarbeitungskaufmann
> Detlef Plei�
> Senior IT-Berater
> comundus GmbH
> Sch�ttelgrabenring 3, 71332 Waiblingen
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> IT EXCELLENCE by comundus.
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Kenney Westerhof
GPG public key: http://www.gods.nl/~forge/kenneyw.key

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