BTW, the test snapshot for this release is 2.2.1-20060606.044331-3, on

Though you may have trouble trying to use the deploy-file mojo from there.
The SVN revId is: 411999.


On 6/6/06, John Casey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've noticed that some people have had trouble with a few bugs in the
current release of the maven-deploy-plugin, including:

* POM and artifact build numbers are out of sync when using -DpomFile=...
* Repository layout is not configurable

I've checked, and both of these problems have been fixed. Additionally,
I've gone over the documentation for this plugin, and it all looks to be in
pretty good shape, including the parameter javadocs. Though it would be a
small release, I believe that these two bugfixes warrant a fresh release.
The only outstanding bug marked for 2.3 is MDEPLOY-28, which depends on a
fix in maven-wagon...I don't believe this issue should hold up the release
of 2.3.

I'd like to open up the vote for 72 hours. Please cast your +1/+0/-1.

Here's my +1.



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