Hi .

I'm still new to maven.
A problem which I and other encounter is : Where to get information
about what I can do with maven, wehre to look it up?

My first attempt (most unix users will do)
mvn --help.

Which prints nice information but not:
Which plugins are availible and where to get the description of them..
You  can (as I did) ask the mailinglist to get the answer:

mvn help:describe -Dplugin=.. -DFull=true
mvn help:describe -DArtifactId=.. -DGroupId=.. -DFull=true

What about adding this command as hint to mvn --help?

=== this is now =======

usage: mvn [options] [<goal(s)>] [<phase(s)>]

 -C,--strict-checksums         Fail the build if checksums don't match
 -c,--lax-checksums            Warn if checksums don't match
 -P,--activate-profiles        Comma-delimited list of profiles to
 -ff,--fail-fast               Stop at first failure in reactorized builds
 -fae,--fail-at-end            Only fail the build afterwards; allow all
                               non-impacted builds to continue
 -B,--batch-mode               Run in non-interactive (batch) mode
 -fn,--fail-never              NEVER fail the build, regardless of project
 -up,--update-plugins          Synonym for cpu
 -N,--non-recursive            Do not recurse into sub-projects
 -npr,--no-plugin-registry     Don't use ~/.m2/plugin-registry.xml for
                               plugin versions
 -U,--update-snapshots         Update all snapshots regardless of
                               repository policies
 -cpu,--check-plugin-updates   Force upToDate check for any relevant
                               registered plugins
 -npu,--no-plugin-updates      Suppress upToDate check for any relevant
                               registered plugins
 -D,--define                   Define a system property
 -X,--debug                    Produce execution debug output
 -e,--errors                   Produce execution error messages
 -f,--file                     Force the use of an alternate POM file.
 -h,--help                     Display help information
 -o,--offline                  Work offline
 -r,--reactor                  Execute goals for project found in the
 -s,--settings                 Alternate path for the user settings file
 -v,--version                  Display version information

== why not add =======
  --show-plugininfo/ [or --show-new-user-info ?]
  which prints something like 

  To get the description of a plugin try
    mvn help:describe -DFull=true <plugin>   where <plugin> is either
    -Dplugin or -DartifactId=maven-pluginname-plugin 

   To get a list of plugins goto http://maven.apache.org/plugins/index.html
   or have a look at the maven 2 repo directory 

   ... [Wht

This would help any newbe to get started as having plugnis and a build
cycle description is the main feature of maven, isn't it?

Another thing: If you are looking for pom.xml and some description, you
are out of luck. You have to click on Guides->References-> "Project Descriptor".

What do you think?

  Marc Weber

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