On 19 Jun 06, at 9:47 AM 19 Jun 06, Brett Porter wrote:


Just thought I'd break this one out. This needs to be converted to a guide - which is one of the tasks I'll list at the end.

(this is MNG-1987, btw)

* Required POM Elements

- modelVersion, version, group ID, artifact ID, packaging (required anyway to build)
- name
- description
- url
- issueManagement
- prerequisites > maven (I think it's good to make people think about this)
- inceptionYear
- mailingLists (just a warning if missing as I guess there might not be one, though we should have some other contact details - do general contact details fit a "list" description?)
- license
- scm (warning if missing, may not be OSS!)
- organization
- plugin report must be configured

* Plugin configuration

- each @parameter field must have a description. Not required if @readonly or @component
- Class level should have a description.

* Documents

- plugins must have an /index.html (from apt, xdoc, html etc). Not generated automatically - plugins must have a /usage.html, where the standard use case is described. The recommended lifecycle phases should be listed. This will almost be boilerplate (just some common configuration items, how to include it in the POM, and whether it usually needs executions or not). It will probably repeat for each goal available.
- plugins should have examples/*.html for individual use cases.
- plugins should have a FAQ page for common questions, issues, and misunderstandings

Consider this example:
- use case: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-release-plugin/ introduction.html - specific examples: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-release- plugin/howto.html (should be broken out into examples/dryRun.apt, etc)

* Site descriptor

- navigation must include the link to the usage and the examples under that

* Reports

- Plugin must have javadoc, jxr and changelog reports

* General guidelines

- Always be able to publish the latest and greatest. Mark new features with the version they were introduced. Mark caveats in certain versions. - The Jetty6 and Cargo plugins are the level of information we are looking for.

* Tasks (any volunteers? If so, please create a JIRA and grab it (and drop a reply here to say so - eventually we'll get these all in regardless though)
- convert the above to a guide on the Maven website
- add any missing checks to the docck plugin
- wire up the docck plugin to all maven plugins
- pilot plugins. Some of these have gone into JIRA already and been assigned. - rework the plugin reference page (a separate discussion, MPLUGIN-7 is a starting point). This should be reworked not to overwrite index.html
- create an archetype for a compliant plugin
- add @since tag to plugin fields (it's standard javadoc so we can dual purpose it, but we need to acknowledge it in the descriptor)

Any additional thoughts?

Make a plugin to check all these thing and plug it into the validation phase. This is all nice to enumerate but it will only take effect when it is easy for people to comply.

- Brett

Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Apache Maven - http://maven.apache.org/
Better Builds with Maven - http://library.mergere.com/

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Jason van Zyl

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