I'm not sure if we're talking about the same reports section. IMO, the
project-info links on the landing page (see
http://maven.apache.org/jxr.htmlfor example) don't help anything. If
we want to have a list of contributors
or information about the mailing lists, then maybe we should:

1. clean up those reports, and pare down the ones (like JXR) that have no
content on the main page...then, maybe make them more visible in the
navigation, rather than burying them two clicks down. Also, pages like
http://maven.apache.org/integration.html seem a little sparse somehow...I'm
not sure if we have enough to say about Maven's CI testbed to warrant a
whole page. IMO, it could be easier for new users to digest this

2. (my preference) Digest the information contained under the Project
Documentation nav header into a couple of easy-to-read pages that have a
good balance of information vs. white space, and display these pages more
prominently in the navigation.

Also, I want to point out that these reports don't address all of Maven;
they only address the site project, IIUC. This is misleading, particularly
if we're publishing it on the site's main page.

As far as rendering wiki content: I see what you mean now, and I agree.


On 6/19/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 20/06/2006 7:19 AM, John Casey wrote:
>> 1) should we drop the standard reports from the maven site?
> I never was really pushing to drop reports altogether; it just didn't
> really
> make sense to me to have them on the main site, in addition to the
> individual reference pages. IMO, until we can aggregate all of those
> reports
> for the entirety of Maven, it's confusing what they represent. Also, it
> clutters up the main site for users who might not have any use for that
> information.

When I say standard information, I mean standard - just
project-info-reports (mailing list, etc). Is that what you mean? There
aren't others on the site.

> The only drawbacks I
> can
> see here are in keeping the wiki information up to date with new
> and navigational consistency between wiki and the main site.
> I really don't see much value in rendering the wiki content to static
> pages,
> particularly when we'll have to implement in Doxia the confluence
> we'll need to represent a technical discussion...things like the code
> macro.

The reason to render it into the site is for consistency (navigation and
appearance), and speed. There shouldn't be any bottleneck as we can run
this automatically every hour or something. Other sites are already
doing this: http://incubator.apache.org/activemq/

- Brett

Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Apache Maven - http://maven.apache.org/
Better Builds with Maven - http://library.mergere.com/

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