The repository is as good as the users/projects make it. There's no
difference at all with using ant and including the wrong jars, maybe
the problem is that how to fix it in maven is not as easy as in ant.

If project A says it depends on B 1.0 and C says it depends on B 1.1,
there's a conflict in Maven, Ant and anything you want to use, the
difference is that Maven tries to do it for you, but you still can
override that behaviour.

Right now we are in a good position with a huge number of users trying
and testing the metadata in the repository, and forcing projects to
support maven by providing good data.

On 7/4/06, Torsten Curdt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry, for the cross-post ...but it seems we need a dialog here
somehow. We now have two threads on two different mailing
lists/communities that really should talk to each other.

> I propose to commit again all JARs into, say, cocoon/trunk/m2repo
> and then tell Maven at build time to use that directory in the
> checkout area as first repository server in the search list.

So where is the big difference? For every fresh checkout you download
the jars from subversion.

Guys I have no solution at hand but let's not throw out the baby with
the bath water. I would be good to summarize all the pain points and
post them over in maven land. The pain being so bad that we are
(somehow) considering going back to ant should be alarming enough.

Another point seems to be forgotten in this discussion so far - the
legal aspects of distributing jars. Does the ASF want to re-distribute
3rd party jars? Plus: based on a chat Sylvain and me had with Cliff
during ApacheCon it seems we could have blocks providing bridging code
to LGPL long as we do not provide the jar and the block is
optional. (Sylvain, did I summarize that correctly?)

I agree that the whole maven2 situation is currently far less than
just acceptable ...but TBH I am not sure the maven team is (or was?)
really aware of all the problems we have.

Maybe we can get a statement on the maven self-update and
unreliable-messed-up-repository situation. From what it sounds they
are working on it. So let's not work this out in our little cocoon
corner but let's hear what they have to say.


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