I've read on http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-compiler-plugin/howto.html
the "official" way to compile a Java1.3 application.

I think this solution isn't the best/easier as this requires the target environment to have the expected JDK installed and the correct properties set, with no standard naming for it. I myself get troubles with it as I can run JDK1.3 on my nightly build server (Linux Ubuntu : requires some "stdlibc++libc6....")

I'm using an alternative solution that has less expectation on the compilation environment :
- Add a dependency to target runtime in the compiler plugin configuration
- Set the compiler bootclasspaht to use it


This solution only requires the to install first the expected rt.jar in repo, as any others java API jars (com.sun:rt POM is in maven2 repo).

Don't you think this solution may be promoted on compiler plugin documentation ?


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