+1, that can only be a good thing

On 8/2/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've created a skin (maven-application-skin), which is the
maven-theme.css and images needed to do the Continuum l&f with the
normal Maven page layout (ie, css layout, not tables like in Continuum
right now).

Thought this might be worth updating in the Continuum decorator (the
decorator from MRM can be used replacing the navigation items and header
footer - though the other html tags can be used).

I've tested it in IE6/7 and Firefox 2. This would mean we can have
consistent guidelines for skinning sites and Continuum/MRM.



Apache Maven - http://maven.apache.org/
Better Builds with Maven - http://library.mergere.com/

jesse mcconnell

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