On 5 Sep 06, at 2:55 AM 5 Sep 06, Milos Kleint wrote:

On 9/5/06, Wendell Beckwith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 9/4/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you've done the work, go ahead and submit a patch. I think I'll
> find the code easier to read than this mail :)

Done. Yeah, the email was verbose but the code changes were simple once I
found where the reactor was located.

I think we definitely need a solution to being able to know in
> advance of the build, how all the source directories, etc will be
> bound in (Milos has been asking for this in the Netbeans integration
> for some time too). Hopefully this will help.

I can imagine wanting to plug into maven before it gets going and after it has stopped. The current patch only handles the initialization phase but it would not be too much more to add a finalization phase too. I doubt it would be possible/practical to try and know how everything will eventually
shake out ahead of time.  Instead it would be more practical to allow
plugins/external entities to register as framework listeners and notify them of certain events. Thus if a new source root is added the IDE could be
informed and it could take the appropriate action, whatever that is.


I'm not sure I understand how the MNG-2546 issue is related to what I
need in the IDE. let me reiterate my requirements.

For what we were talking about it might be the place where plugins offer up all the information they have so that you can update any IDE/ UI settings that might want. So what's been plugged in there is an information gathering phase, similar to what could be added at the end of the default lifecycle. I think I might alter this patch a bit but it is a good idea and one that existed long ago in maven 1.x where you could bind to a pseudo goal that executed before any other build related goals.

1. find out what the source roots are (even if not existing yet) for a
given project without executing it. That sort of points in the
directtion of declaratively marking some mojo parameters as source
roots and making it available from the mojo descriptions.
2. plugging into the maven execution cycle from the IDE is already
possible. A simple method is to register the loggers, a more advanced
one is to replace plexus components with custom, proxying versions of
my own that do additional bookkeeping. It wouldn't hurt to make it
easier but it's generally possible.
3. I want to keep the actual building as separated from the IDE
environment as possible. This might sound contrary to 2. but is
actually complimentary. I want a peek tool into the project definition
(2), but the actual process of execution shall be untouched(3).
Additionally one might want to have multiple versions of maven to
execute in the IDE environment at once (in case of some binary
incompatibility). That's where having the IDE's build to depend on one
particular version could hurt.


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Jason van Zyl

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