On 19 Oct 06, at 7:58 AM 19 Oct 06, Brett Porter wrote:


I haven't had a chance to look at the new bootstrap/integration testing stuff (it seems like the build is broken according to CI?), but had a thought I wanted to raise.

Will the integration tests be runnable through Maven itself? ie, can the verifier be wrapped in a mojo (which I figured would be necessary to merge with the verifier plugin as Jason was discussing).

The reason I suggest this is that it would make running all or individual integration tests simpler (cd, m2 integration-test; or use the reactor). It would also allow us to do code coverage for integration tests and so on.


This will work with the new setup. Each rest can be run individually and as part of one test suite so these sorts of things will be entirely possible. Dan will hopefully be aboard soon and he's created a very nice setup with is very testing/automation friendly. Once he's a committer I'll let him document it :-)


- Brett

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