Sorry, that URL is:

(Hopefully I didn't just fat-finger that twice in 5 minutes... :-)


On 11/16/06, John Casey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I wanted to take a second and direct your attention to a new library I'm
working on in the Maven sandbox. I'm calling it maven-plugin-test-tools,
and it's meant to make the process of integration-testing a Maven pluginmuch 
simpler, using test builds. This idea has been implemented in a variety
of ways in the recent past - actually going back quite some time in the
maven-eclipse-plugin - but I'm attempting to learn from the quirks and
oddities in each attempt, and come up with a single API that developers will
find convenient for conducting these types of tests.

I've modified the tests in the maven-eclipse-plugin (okay, they're
currently *unit* tests, but we can fix that) to use this new library, so you
can use the AbstractEclipsePluginTest as an example. Also, I've put together
some documentation on the testing library in the form of a main index APT
that describes the approach, and a set of relatively complete JavaDocs for
each specific testing tool...they're here:<>

If any of you have time to review this site (and maybe the source and
eclipse plugin example usage) and provide feedback or ideas, I'd really
love to hear from you. I think it's absolutely critical to get plugin
testing under control, and provide some standardized mechanisms to make
the lives of plugin developers simpler. I'd like to keep fleshing this
library out, and start converting more of the existing plugins in Maven's
SVN to use this testing approach (along with a more well-suited approach
to unit testing, perhaps using EasyMock).




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