Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 05.12.2006 14:51:52:

The weakness is that someone, somewhere, has to lay down what those states are. And what works for simple ready-to-compile->compiled->packaged->tested->published lifecycle gets complex if you have to do silly things like throw the SOAP stack at the compiled app source to generate the WSDL for the test run, or create a test JAR that is itself signed and tested (meta testing, yes!).

With MetaMake, something like that is possible but we (usually) don't do it.

As you said, the key argument is: Even if it's stupid to run though a mine field, sometimes, you *have* to (because someone is shooting at you).

A build tool should make the obvious things simple but it should not prevent to solve corner cases. The current maven build system just cannot cope with running "mvn deploy" for a part of the project so you can run your tests in another.

The question is not if it's a stupid thing to do, the question is: If I *have* to, what do I do? Currently, my solution is to revert to ant and control maven from there

I use Ant+Ivy. I have my own complex state model. I just have to struggle to keep everything locked down across 30 projects in 4 different repositories.

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