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Hi Jason,

>> thanks for your work. I tried to build my site with maven 2.0.4. and
>> maven-site-plugin 2.0-SNAPSHOT and now javadoc seems to work even if
>> the site is staged (site:stage). I do not know if that was intended  by your 
>> fix.
>> But maybe this only happened, because maven-javadoc-plugin was  updated, too.
>> Anyhow jxr and cobertura are still broken, so MSITE-138 is still  not fixed 
>> for
>> maven 2.0.4:
>> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSITE-138
> Do you think you could give me a sample project with the projects  
> configuration that you have. I have run Cobertura and JXR on some of
> Joakim's sites so we'll track it down. Give me an example of what you
> have that doesn't work and I'll track it down.
First of all, thanks for taking care.
My project has public subversion access here:

I used the official maven 2.0.4. To ensure there are no strage side-effects from
other experiments, I cleared my local .m2/repository.
I setup my settings.xml as described in
To ensure that maven-site-plugin is used in the 2.0-SNAPSHOT version,
I added this explicitly to my master pom:

When I run
mvn -Papache site:stage -DstagingDirectory=/foo/bar
I still have the problem with jxr and cobertura.
I use java 6 to compile my project. I also tried it with java 5,
but it does not work eigther. I cannot build my project with java 1.4
or lower since I am using lots of syntactic sugar ;)

If you want to reproduce the problem you will get the problem, that
the complete build will not work because there are dependencies missing,
not (yet) available in central repo. But if you just ignore those and
run an "mvn -Papache install" followed by the site:stage command above
both as far as it works, you will already see the problem in the modules
that have successfully been completed (e.g. mmm-nls-core).

If you find it too inconvenient to dig in my project, let me know and
if I can find the time, I setup a little demo to reproduce the problem.

My experience is that this happens in any "multi-project" situation together
with site:stage or site:deploy. With a plain "site" everything works fine
but the site for the complete project itself is not useable because the
links between the projects are broken. For maintaining my project site
I realy need site:stage to work properly. I am waiting for this to work
for over half a year now and am very happy to see that a fix for this
show-stopper is finally making big progress. I also digged in the sources and
tried to think about a fix but I got lost since the complete head of the maven
plugins was not compileable and the dependencies went so deep down, that I got
lost. I also tried it with maven 2.1 and gave up after a cuple of frustrating
hours. I worte my own MOJO and have a little understanding of plexus and the
maven architecture - but really understanding the whole animal is not a task of
a cuple of hours... Anyhow from what I have seen you have done great with maven2
- - maven1 was realy a hack (sorry for that, but it just worked and thats it)
and maven2 is a designed piece of software.
Thank you very much for your effort!!!
>> Did I get something wrong. Was your fix about something else?
> I was only trying to get it to run in 2.0.4 and make sure that worked.
I am still not sure if I got you right about what you fixed and what worked for
you. But maybe you can now reproduce the problem I (and many others) have with
maven2 (2.0.4).
>> Anyhow since javadoc works I get the impression, that your maven- site-plugin
>> fixed prepared something so the reports can now work with  site:stage but
>> only maven-javadoc-plugin has already been fixed to work together  with this
>> new fix while jxr and cobertura still do something wrong.
>> Can anybody enlighten my nescience?
> I have not actually tried to close any issues in the site plugin  myself :-) 
> Just wanted to make sure it's all working for 2.0.4 users.
I did not want to arrest you for my problems. But MSITE-138 is a real
show-stopper and I pick up on every trace I can get about this one.
E.g. my mail "MSITE-138: showstopper still without solution?" (03.12.2006 16:03)
on dev@maven.apache.org seemed to be an helpless scream that
got lost in space ;)
> Jason.
Thanks again

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