On 12/20/06, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jason van Zyl wrote:
> On 19 Dec 06, at 12:28 PM 19 Dec 06, Steve Loughran wrote:
>> Jason van Zyl wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just checking in with folks to see if anyone is planning ApacheCon
>>> talks.
>> 1. "fear the repository police". We will pick people in the audience
>> and beat them with rolled up copies of the pom schema until they
>> promise not to publish invalid metadata. we will start off with "Is
>> there anyone here who works on commons-logging?",

if i chaired then the spanish inquisition gag would work particularly well :-)

steve: are there any jakarta commons logging release managers here?
chair: i didn't expect some king of spanish inquisition!
carlos: no one expects the spanish inquisition!
carlos: confess!
chair: oh no - not the comfy chair!

(ironically enough i was later asked whether RAT could have prevented
problems such as JCL to which i had to reply: sadly the tool is only
as dumb as it's creator)

- robert

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