Mark Hobson wrote on Thursday, January 18, 2007 2:52 PM:

> On 17/01/07, Jörg Schaible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Perhaps, but I was thinking about the number of goals once we
>>> introduce tree and list goals for every scope.  Would we name them
>>> dependency:compile-tree, dependency:compile-list, etc.? That's ten
>>> extra goals, I'm not sure if it's easier just to type
>>> dependency:tree -Dscope=compile.
>> 10? I just count 6 instead of two ... only 3 scopes make sense - or?
> I was thinking all five scopes for completeness (compile, test,
> runtime, provided and system).
>> What about:
>> dependency:<scope> -Dtype=<list|tree>
>> then everybody has the possibility to configure a property in his
>> settings for the preferred view type ...
> I did consider that too, although I don't users would have a preferred
> view type - it normally depends on the task at hand.

So we need the aliased command with predefined parameters? ;-)

- Jörg

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