Could one of the maven developers review the changes that I did in the 

The changes are to address/fix all the remaining MRRESOURCES bugs:

as well as address the Apache requirements for the NOTICE files.

Basically, there are three sources of information that can go into the NOTICE 
1) Standard Apache stuff - basically, the stuff at the top that says
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTICE file corresponding to the section 4d of The Apache License,
// Version 2.0, in this case for Apache XXXX
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
plus other stuff.     The old version of the maven-remote-resources-plugin 
only handled this. 

2) Information in the poms of the dependencies - many poms contain the URL of 
the project, the organization, etc... that could be put right into NOTICE 
file.    The current version of the plugin ignores this source of 
information.  The stuff above will now use that information to add lines 

This product includes/uses software, XmlSchema 
developed by Apache Software Foundation  (

This product includes/uses software, Spring Framework: AOP 
developed by Spring Framework  (

For this to work well, we definitely need to encourage people that produce 
maven artifacts to produce better poms with more details. (and correct 
details)   Then again, we should do that anyway.

3) Developer added stuff - if the developer actually has added some extra 
stuff (like w3c copyrighted schemas or something) into the jar, those need to 
be added to the NOTICE file.   The old version "solves" this by allowing the 
developer to completely override the remote-resource.  However, they have to 
override the entire thing losing all the #1 and #2 benefits.  The above adds 
an "appendedResourceDirectory" (defaults to 
${basedir}/src/main/appended-resources) which the plugin will append to 
resulting remote resources.   If there is a META-INF/NOTICE in there, it will 
append those contents to the generated NOTICE file.

Anyway, if someone could look at the changes and possible merge them in and 
deploy a snapshot, that would be great.


J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194

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