Graham Leggett a écrit :
On Tue, January 30, 2007 3:49 pm, Aaron Digulla wrote:

I'm using wagon-webdav 1.0-beta-2 with maven-deploy-plugin 2.3
together with Archiva (SVN SNAPSHOT build). Before 1.0-beta-2/2.3,
this was pretty unstable (every 3rd deploy would fail) but now, it
works pretty good (even though I still have the occasional hickup).

Digging some more into the stacktraces, it seems that
wagon-http-lightweight-1.0-alpha-6 (as provided by the maven v2.0.4
tarball) is handling the put requests, and not the webdav wagon at all.

I am using the URL prefix https:// to deploy to the repository, is this
the correct prefix?

It should be dav:https://..... for webdav

It looks like both the DAV wagon and the lightweight http wagon are
responding to the same URL schemes - should I remove the lightweight http


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