That's what it was. It changed from NOTICE.txt to NOTICE in alpha-2, so I had the wrong name. Working now - thanks.

On 24/02/2007, at 3:38 AM, Daniel Kulp wrote:


On Friday 23 February 2007 10:38, Daniel Kulp wrote:
On Friday 23 February 2007 03:14, Brett Porter wrote:
I've worked around it for now, but I wanted to understand a couple of
- is there a way to append a custom notice? surefire-api contains
code from springframework (not a dependency), and I couldn't get
anything to append the right text
- what does appended-resources do? I thought it was the above, but it
didn't seem to work for me

Hmm...   that IS what's it's supposed to do.  I'll take a look.   The
file in the appended-resources has to EXACTLY match the target name of
the remote-resource.

I just verified that this does work, but for a moment, I thought it wasn't
working and got confused.  Maybe you did too.   :-)

The name is VERY important.   The name of the resource
is "META-INF/NOTICE".   Thus, the text you want appended would be in:


I had originally just put it in:
and it wasn't working.

Can you verify that the full name of the appended stuff is correct and


- alpha-2 seems to include notices for all of the dependencies. I
don't believe this to be correct - it should only be needed if they
are actually included in the distribution, which for a jar they are
not. Should this be made a flag?

Depends on which lawyers you're talking to. :-( Some want a complete description of everything that's needed to use the jar as well. I'm of the opinion that more is better. apache-jar-resource-bundle:1.1 changes
the wording to "This product includes/uses software...." to allow the
"not included, but does use it" case.

This is not a part of the remote-resources, but of the
apache-jar-resource-bundle. alpha-2 of RR didn't provide access to the dependencies at all, but the apache-jar-resource-bundle:1.0 pretended it did. With apache-jar-resource-bundle:1.1, the velocity templates have
been updated to allow some flags to be passed in.   One flag is the
noProjects.  You can add:
to the config and it will turn those off.

apache-jar-resource-bundle:1.1 ALSO adds preProjectText and
postProjectText properties where you can provide extra text to be put
before/after the project list.

apache-jar-resource-bundle:1.1.1-SNAPSHOT adds a "projectName" property
that can be used to specify the project name used (instead
of "" from the pom).   That's more for the large
multi-module projects.   Example:  "Apache Geronimo"  instead of each
individual module name.

Does that help?

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194

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