

On Monday 12 March 2007 23:28, Brian E. Fox wrote:
> I'd like to release maven-dependency-plugin:2.0-alpha-2
> Tag:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/plugins/tags/maven-dependency-pl
>ug in-2.0-alpha-2/
> Staged at:
> http://people.apache.org/~brianf/staging-repository
> Changes:
> http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=13137&styleNa
>me =Html&projectId=11214&Create=Create
> Release Notes - Maven 2.x Dependency Plugin - Version 2.0-alpha-2 -
> HTML format
> Bug
> * [MDEP-27] - Plugin configuration error message - caused by certain
> liefecycle bindings
> * [MDEP-56] - test-jar
> * [MDEP-58] - linux / mac unit test failures
> * [MDEP-60] - Multiple plugin execution sections not correctly
> executed * [MDEP-66] - Sources goal not implemented
> * [MDEP-67] - NPE when resolving the version of a dependency
> Improvement
> * [MDEP-55] - generate javadocs and jar src files with releae
> * [MDEP-57] - dependency:resolve should output scope
> * [MDEP-63] - allow version to be stripped from
> useSubfolderPerArtifact
> New Feature
> * [MDEP-26] - New goal to write classpath string with all dependencies
> from local repo
> * [MDEP-54] - Exclude and Include specific dependencies based on
> Artifact id or group name
> * [MDEP-65] - Copy dependencies in a Maven repository like layout
> Vote is open for 72 hours.
> +1
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J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
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