Grzegorz Slowikowski a écrit :

----- Original Message ----- From: "Emmanuel Venisse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 3:13 PM
Subject: Preparing Maven SCM 1.0


I'd like to release Maven 1.0 in next weeks. As you can see, I updated jira for this version.

Before to do it, we need to fix some major issues with some providers.


Svn: I'd like to implement a pure java provider but svn4j at codehaus isn't ready yet, so we'll do it later. It isn't a problem because the native provider works fine.

I think the one and only pure Java svn provider is svnkit (the name changed fron "javasvn"). It is stable and full of features. SmartSVN (commercial java svn GUI) is using it.

I know them but the license isn't compatible with Apache license :(


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